Apparently Woody resembles a certain Bachelorette contestant this season. Anyone else see it?
Woody turned nine back in December and still has the energy of a two-year-old. I never feel like he's slowing down. But lately, I've been getting subtle reminders that nine is actually a very impressive and desirable age to make it to in the dog world. A few large dog breeds are lucky to make it to nine and many dogs are living the equivalent of the laid-back life retired snow bird men enjoy.
The last few weeks on our walks, I've encountered multiple people who ask how old he is, and when I respond that he's nine I get the same response: "He looks good for nine!" I know no one is trying to upset me by reminding me how old he is, but I can't help but feel a little sad each time. Now, I find myself paying closer attention to any new quirks, noises, and changes in appetite and endurance levels to make sure I don't miss any of those getting-older signs. So far so good. More importantly, I look at Woody differently with a greater sense of appreciation for all he's taught me in our five years together and I have a new outlook on our time together - it must be cherished. I need to do what I can to keep him healthy and enjoy many more years of selfies. If you wander around Cleveland enough or attend any of the city's many summer markets and/or festivals, you may remember coming across one of these: Yes, that is a bicycle covered in plants and surrounded by flowers. It's part of the Bikes, Bees and Butterflies project, a public art/urban sustainability project that encourages biking and the creation of green spaces filled with plants that support insect pollinators. I first learned of these at the Gordon Square Arts Festival, and it wasn't long after that this one appeared in my neighborhood.
I'm truly loving the creativity and passion shown in Cleveland's public art scene, especially when it promotes more than just a catchy structure. And, I am slightly (no, horribly) terrified of bees after being stung in the air when I was 10, but I know that they serve a true purpose and love seeing people taking charge to provide them an outlet where they can thrive doing what nature intended. To learn more about the project, visit them on Facebook. P.S. Because this is a dog blog, I want to try to get Woody in each of my walking observations photos. As you can see though, this is not always going to work. Woody enjoyed having the boy and myself around all day today. I think this picture says it all. I hope everyone else's fur kids enjoyed a day off from staying home alone as well! Woody had an exceptionally nice weekend since he got to spend Friday through Sunday at Camp Bow Wow. Next time I take him, I'll be sure to post a video of how insane he gets when I say those three words. Stay tuned...
Woody pretty much hates everything about the bath. In these pictures, he's saying "Really? Do you HAVE to take a photo of me at my worst? What kind of mom are you?" Or something like that.
AuthorI'm just a twenty-something female raising the weirdest dog I've ever met. Archives
January 2019