About Margie

Woody and I, after we had only known each other for about a month.
Four years ago, I made one of the best decisions of my life and adopted a Jack Russell Terrier named Woody. Since I was 15, I'd always lived with a dog, but never had one who was truly my own. People say it's hard to determine who needs each other more in a person-canine relationship, the human or the dog. I'd say our need is a two-way relationship. Woody was raised by a kind family with a big problem, in Woody's eyes, anyway. His previous family had a toddler. If you've ever read anything about Jack Russells, you are most likely to read that they are not good dogs for small children. I personally think this is due to the extremely similar personalities both the toddler and the dog possess. Needless to say, Woody had to go. I had just begun grad school and was going through dog withdrawal, so when asked if I'd like to take Woody, it was a no-brainer. I also loooooveee JRTs. Little did I know that this JRT was going to be a whirlwind of a guy. You can read more about him on his page.
I'm not a vet. I'm not a behavior expert. I don't even work with animals on a daily basis. I'm just a 20-something dog mom realizing more and more that dogs are actually highly complex creatures. Most people don't realize this when they get a dog, which is why, I believe, so many adult dogs end up in shelters. I never experienced a dog like Woody before but that is what makes him so fun. He's a challenge. He teaches me responsibility. He makes me want to be a better human. It is because of this that I decided to document all of the wild, weird, good, bad, sad and hilarious things that he and the other animals in my life do. No two dogs are the same, and no dog story is too crazy for the Internet.
For guest blog post opportunities, sponsorships or just general information, contact me at [email protected].
If you'd like to follow us on Twitter, you can find me at twitter.com/margie324
If you'd like to follow us on Google+ (What, you use that?!?), click my profile link below:
I'm not a vet. I'm not a behavior expert. I don't even work with animals on a daily basis. I'm just a 20-something dog mom realizing more and more that dogs are actually highly complex creatures. Most people don't realize this when they get a dog, which is why, I believe, so many adult dogs end up in shelters. I never experienced a dog like Woody before but that is what makes him so fun. He's a challenge. He teaches me responsibility. He makes me want to be a better human. It is because of this that I decided to document all of the wild, weird, good, bad, sad and hilarious things that he and the other animals in my life do. No two dogs are the same, and no dog story is too crazy for the Internet.
For guest blog post opportunities, sponsorships or just general information, contact me at [email protected].
If you'd like to follow us on Twitter, you can find me at twitter.com/margie324
If you'd like to follow us on Google+ (What, you use that?!?), click my profile link below: